
Last updated September 20, 2024. This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)

What am I doing

🧑🏽‍💻 At work I am doing things.

✏️ Trying to get my websites designed, but I am designing while I am implementing so it's slower than I would like.

🎼 Musicly I am trying to play with the drum machine a little.

🧏🏻 Trying to doodle/sketch/draw daily. I'll use my daughter as much as possible as the motivator.

Where am I? (I may not even know)

Current standing (or sitting position) – Beaconsfield, UK (or in London)

Listening to

I have been listening to mixes on YouTube that for some reason are all from Japan, playing 90's era hiphop

What am I reading (slowly)

What am I watching